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I grew up in Ohio with Steve, great guy. At 24 he has had his share
ofbad relationships, and then some. So when he brought this girl up
froma visit to South Carolina I was expecting more of the same. Kerry
wascute as can be... 19 years old, 5'7, dark brown hair, about
36D,fantastic ass and a great figure all around. Only downside is as
withmost gorgeous women... she was a bitch more often than not. I
guessafter I while he figured it was time and asked her to marry him.
Sheaccepted and on the marriage went. They rented a little place
andstarted the husband/wife life.
I have a fiancé of my own, 5'2 blonde pleasantly plump cutie. Sincetheir
place was so close to ours they ended up hanging out with usabout 90%
of the time and we all got pretty used to each other. Thefighting
started about a month into the marriage. Basically theirpersonalities
clashed a little, combined with Steve not knowing how tohandle putting
someone else opinion with or before his own and actinglike he was still
single... going out with his friends and not callingetc... the kind of
stuff that pisses wives off. Only being a student atthe time, my fiancé
working, and Steve off doing who knows what Kerryand I had a lot of time
to talk. Being the type of person I am easy totalk to and we could talk
for a long time. Well after a while shestarted to realize that I was
treating her the way she wanted Steve totreat her. Not sure if she told
him that or not but he started to get abit jealous of the time we spent
together. We told him it was justfriends stuff and nothing to worry
about. This was the truth... at thetime.
One day in the middle of the summer I was planning to drive my fiancéup
300+ miles to visit her family for a week and since I can't standmost of
her family I was driving back the same night. I asked Steve toride
along with me for company on the ride home. Kerry wanted to comealso and
I said it was fine so off we went, long drive with lots ofjokes and fun
on the way up there. When we dropped my fiancé off andstarted home they
were both in the back and whispering for a little bitand after all that
Steve told me she wanted to fuck him in the backseat while I was
driving! Well I'm a bit of a freak anyway so I said Ididn't care and
have at it... so I hear zippers and shit coming undoneand after a little
longer the car starts bouncing up and down. With thehelp of the rear
view mirror I had a great view. He had me beat by afew inches but
obviously wasn't great at using it. He was just sittingthere and she was
bouncing up and down fast and when she looked up andsaw me watching two
things happened, her face registered shock, and sheimmediately started
On down the road after they were done and cleaned up I took the backseat
and they got up front with him driving, her playing DJ. A couplehours
into the drive she fell asleep looking out the window. It wasdark by now
and I hadn't had time to get any before we left so with thescene of her
back in the back cumming playing through my head I washard as a rock...
but no one could see. I got kind of ballsy andreached up between the
seat and the side of the car and laid my hand onher shoulder. It was so
dark and with her and the chair in the way Iwasn't worried about Pete
seeing anything.
So I lightly started tracing my fingers along her neck. She moved
alittle and I stopped for a second thinking of a way to explain it ifshe
woke up pissed. But she didn't seem to have woken up so Icontinued...
up and tracing along the edges of her lips. Still nomovement so I went
even farther, parting her lips slightly with myfinger. I was shocked
when I felt her open her mouth a little on herown. No wonder she hadn't
moved, she was awake! I took that as aninvitation and slid my finger a
little into her mouth. She closed herlips around my finger and lightly
started sucking, slowly running justthe tip of her tongue up the side of
my finger. It was so sexy. My cockwas throbbing.
"Kerry!" Steve said.
I pulled my finger out and thankfully no slurping sound came with it.
"Wake up and put a different CD in."
So she turned and picked out a CD we all agreed on and she sat back
andturned back towards the window! I put my hand back through and
shemoved he head slightly and flicked her tongue a few times over the
endof my finger... nibbled a little on the side and then without missing
abeat she was "awake" again and talking for the rest of the trip home.
A few months later some things he had done in his past came back andbit
him in the ass and off Steve went to jail, and then sentenced toprison
for 4 years. Kerry couldn't keep the place on her own and endedup moving
in with us for a while.
In all this time neither of us had said a word about what happened inthe
car, not even to each other. It was like it never happened. Untilone
day a few months later we were both sitting on my couch watchingtv, Amy
was at work. She asked me
"That night in the car when we were taking Amy home... why did you put your finger in my mouth?"
It was so out of the blue I didn't know what to say at first... I
ranthrough a few things quickly in my head wondering how much shit I
wasgoing to get into. Then I remembered how she had responded that
night.So I told the truth.
"Because you are gorgeous and you have beautiful lips... Plus after the show you put on I was pretty worked up."
She blushed such a deep red I had to smile; my comments hit the right mark.
'Thank you." Was all that she said.
The next day I was headed off for classes, dressed nice and lookinggood.
I'm 6'2 and about 240 lbs solid... football player build. As Icame
through the kitchen and sprayed on some cologne I could have swornI
caught her checking me out, but she looked away before I could besure.
So I said "see ya later" and winked at her as I headed out. Shesmiled
and said "bye!" I got around the block and realized I left myglasses at
home. When I walked back in she asked rolling her eyes andsmiling.
"What did you forget?"
"Nothing cutie just couldn't stay away from you!"
I flashed a smile and went to my room for my sunglasses.
I picked them up and started back out and almost ran over her standingin
the doorway. She looked a little uneasy... I asked her what waswrong
and she said
"I have wanted to do this for a year..."
She walked up to me close, put her hands on either side of my face
andkissed my lips. Just a quick peck and she started to back away before
Iknew what was going on.
I reached around her waist and pulled her back to me, I said
"If you have been waiting for a year you deserve better than that."
I had one hand on the small of her back and the other around the sideof
her neck guiding her where I wanted her and pulled her back to mylips,
softly kissing her, lightly I licked her lips and slipped mytongue in
her mouth, massaging her tongue with mine and sucking on it alittle, my
hand worked down to her ass and I squeezed a little raisingher up on her
tip-toes, her tits against my chest and she moaned low...that's what I
was after! I broke the kiss and let her go. Her eyes werestill closed
and when she finally opened them I winked at her and said"I hope it was
worth the wait" and then I was out the door and gone.
The night went on and after I got home she was on the computer and Iwent
to my bedroom and lay down. Amy wouldn't be home for hours and mydoor
was shut... I popped in a porno, lost my shorts and shirt, and satback
in my boxers. My cock got hard fast and I was starting to get intoit
when my door opened! I clicked off the tv and as the room got dark
Ipulled the blanket over me and I felt Kerry climb into bed with me...
I had been sitting back against the headboard with my legs spread andwas
still in that position with the blanket over me. She didn't say aword.
But she got under the blanket and sat between my legs and leanedback on
me. I know she felt my cock pressed between her side and my legbut she
didn't seem to care, so we sat there for a while before shereached over
and gently took a hold of my cock. It sent shock wavesthrough my entire
body. Lightly her fingers danced on the undersidejust past the head of
my cock. It felt so good I let out a quiet "mmmm"and she immediately
stopped and I could feel her smile in the dark...she started to get out
of the bed! I realized she returned the favorfor my leaving her hanging
earlier and grabbed her by the hips andpulled her back, she was
"Payback is a bitch huh?" She laughed
I didn't say anything but sat her back down the way she was and Ileaned
down and lightly kissed her neck, once, twice... lightly blowingalong
her collarbone and I could feel the goosebumps rise on her armand leg.
Her breathing sped up and I could feel her pulse quicken inher neck,
against my lips, I sucked a little. And a sigh came, I smiledand reached
around the front of her, taking one of her tits in my handand squeezing
it gently. I wanted more contact than that though, I letmy hand fall to
her hip and slipped under her shirt, fingertips lightlydragging up her
side making her squirm. I guess she had removed her brasome time earlier
because when I got there it was all skin. She hadbigger nipples than
Amy, I loved it. I ran my thumb around her nipplebarely touching it
still kissing her neck and extracting littlewhimpers. I rolled her
nipple between my thumb and forefinger pinchingslightly
Another moan.
Sliding down her flat stomach I reached right inside her jeans and ontop
of her panties... my middle finger stopping right on her clit.
"mmmmm yea.." was all she had to say.
I started slow circles around her clit with my finger, sucking gentlyon
her neck and caressing her tits with my other hand. Her hands
wereclutching at my thighs and her back was arching after a few
minutes,faster circles, rubbing her clit harder and nibbling a little on
herearlobe she let out a loud moan and started cumming for me, nails in
mythighs and writhing around, I kept my hand working on her pussy all
theway through her orgasm and as soon as she could breathe right again
sheclimbed out of the bed and went to hop in the shower. I just sat
therewith my cock as hard as a rock and said
"oh well."
I waited and took it out on Amy when she got home. After 2 and a
halfhours of straight hard, hot fucking she laid there panting and
"What got into YOU tonight?!"
So being the couple that we are, we occasionally like another to join us in bed... So I told her.
"Really? I wouldn't have thought she would do that... Interesting" she laughed